This blog is intended to offer hope and encouragement to those who are caring for a
loved one with Alzheimer Disease. As you may or may not know, Alzheimer Disease is the
second most fear disease among today’s population, behind cancer.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Sue Scoggins and I have been caring for my
husband, Jerry, for twelve years. He was in his prime, fifty, when we heard
those words "early onset Alzheimers” and our world stopped! After a battery of
neuro-psychological tests, we discovered that Jerry’s frontal lobe was damaged and
his reading skills were on a sixth grade level, his executive functioning was severely
impaired, and he was losing his ability to speak.
Once we processed the initial shock, our emotions ran rampant. I began to journal.
Journaling helped me cope, however, after months, I found myself journaling into a
downward spiral. One night, while laying on the bed with my oldest daughter, we began
to laugh about a funny incident when our family was young while driving back from
a Durham Bulls baseball game. That memory sparked a series of laughter from our past.
From that moment on, I decided to journal funny memories.
Laughter in the midst of overwhelming sadness, is what has helped us cope and those visual
images in my mind have grown into a passion for painting all that is good. From our children’s
weddings, to family vacations, to scenes of laughter while people watching, my passion grew.
Jerry would watch as I danced with a paint brush in my hand and he became my most proud sponsor.
Follow me as I attempt to journal daily life of caring for someone with Alzheimer disease. My
hope this will enlighten you with sensitivity, empathy, and understanding. I hope that you will
see that you are not alone. I hope this will enable you to be an encourager and to have hope.
In the world, where so much is confused and lost, my prayer is for peace that surpasses all under-
standing and sight of what is far greater....ALL THAT IS GOOD.