Here’s another one of those Thanksgiving messages. Yeah, yeah, yeah.... In the midst of the serious illness experience, there truly is so much to be thankful for. Facing the reality of life’s fragility brings a complete new view of it. No longer is life to be taken lightly or taken for granted. In a way, this is an “opportunity”.... a gift. ..a chance at living life to it’s fullest and making it count. No longer are petty little annoyances very important. It is now on to the gift of LIVING.
This week, all the construction has begun in this house. Remember the storm that caused our retaining wall to fail and the ceilings to leak? We’ve got worker bees swarming all over the place, inside and out. Windows are being replaced, therefore there are huge “holes” in the sides of the house. There are excavators and front end loaders in the front yard. There are pallets of 8x8 pilings laying across our driveway and the front yard has now been torn up with treads from the tractors. Along the side of the house is a giant PIT where trees have been removed, rotten walls have been torn down, and loads or dirt are being poured in. WHAT A MESS!
This is just a reminder that cleaning out the rot in our lives can be pretty ugly. But, once it is done, it will be good.
I am so thankful that people have come to our aide. Joe, who is rebuilding the wall, has gone to battle with the environmental kings and pleaded my case before them...that if they don’t let us encroach on those wetlands, my house will be in the middle of it and I will then be the proud owner of the leaning tower of Chrissie Wright Court. He fought for me and won. He’s got volunteers to help and the project is well underway. Ron, a contractor, who has come to my aide many times when my house was in disrepair, has become the overseer of the inside of this humble abode. He is trustworthy, does a good job, and I can rest in that.
That’s a relief! My job is just to get Jerry away from the house so it can alleviate his confusion.
A group of “BFFs” (best friends forever) bring dinner over on Monday nights, since I can’t get out much. It’s a great excuse for a girls night for me! Jerry is surrounded by his many girlfriends. (every man’s dream). Every one of them has known someone with Alzheimer disease, so they are attentive and nurturing to him. Their hugs always make him smile.
Again, I can not get over the goodness in people. It’s humbling that we are the recipients of such selflessness. It inspires the heart to “pay it forward”. I thank you for reading and keeping this blog going. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Now, let’s go give and LIVE.....and eat turkey.