If This Doesn’t Make You Laugh

NOTHING WILL. This morning, I did my usual snail like slugging out of bed, when Montana called at 6:30.  I’ve been slugging ever since I quit  exercising 6 months ago.  Remember when I was raving over Zumba?  That seems like a century ago.  Since then, I’ve fallen off the wagon.....BAD.

We caregivers have GOT to exercise....to survive. Without exercise, comes low energy, then depression, then we begin to circle .....THE DRAIN.   For 6 months, now, I’ve not lifted a weight any heavier than my own, nor walked any further than a mile....and that was just for the dog’s sake.  My mental status and my body status has fallen to an all time LOW (not in pounds) but in energy.  The longer I stay immobile, the slower I go.

Well, this morning....I turned on FIT TV.  Yep.  You got it!  Playing, was a CORE exercise regimen.  It really didn’t look too bad so I joined in.  Before I knew it I was into the belly dancing segment.  GET THE VISION!!!!!  Me, an elderly, at 7am,  rolling hips and swaying sultry arms.  All I needed were my little cymbals and dangling jewels.  Then, I took a sweep to the side and saw myself in the mirror and couldn’t stop laughing!  I was laughing all alone!  Out loud!

Oh.  Here comes TOTAL BODY SCULPT.  I think my studio is calling.