Lest you think we all seniors are dying....we're not! Sometimes, this disease can put you into this funk (which I've been in for a few days.) I mean, you can't get away from it. It's always there. But, dadgummit, I refused to be "dead" yet!
Thank goodness my daughter sent me this picture of some couples having a grand ole time while sailing around the Carribean last year. Yes, I could get all whiney and say, "why can't I do that...yada yada yada". But she sent me the picture and simply said "PAINT!". I got such a chuckle out of it, that I pulled out an 18x24 canvas and started sketching it. I became so engrossed that I felt like I was the one on that boat. In fact, if you look at the lady on the far right, in the dark suit....that's ME! I painted myself right into that picture.
So, today is a drop dead gorgeous day. I'm headed out to Zumba.