Thought I’d shock everyone this morning and put on some makeup. “ ‘Ooo!’ She said with a tremor.” A girlfriend stopped by last night and we had a glass of wine. BIG MISTAKE! That caused me to eat that fattening spaghetti. Remember, the spaghetti that Jerry didn’t eat? We talked about how we had been with our sweet husbands since we were nineteen years old and how they were now a part of us. We also discovered that we sometimes did the same thing at night. After our hubbies have fallen asleep at night, we both pat them with our hand and say a little prayer for them. Isn’t that sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
Anyway, the Dunkin Donut coffee is brewing, my make up is on and today’s a new day. I figured I’d better start it off with new energy. I really need to exercise, but I just can’t wait to get a paint brush in my hand. I truly hope he will be feeling better when he wakes up. The reality in the back of my mind is that I know one day he won’t be waking up better. So, I hold on to hope everyday that “this” day he will not have shifted downward.
Try saying this fast. Pretty pale pink paint (PPPP). I bought some for my downstairs bathroom. The paint, along with a bag of sponge brushes, has been sitting on the bathroom floor for over a month. Go figure! I think I’ll paint it today. The bathroom has been this limey green for 11 years and I must say that the green has faded and spotted to a pretty disgusting color. First, I have to pull off that nasty wallpaper border, which no doubt will come off in little shreds. Ugh! But, after that, the pink paint will go on and it’ll look fresh and new. Have you ever noticed that we always have to struggle through the hard things before we end up with the good things? (a little commentary there.)
Anyway, I’ll let you know how far I get.