Workshop - To Attend or Not to Attend

About two months ago, I signed up for a three day art workshop with a painter I really wanted to learn from.  I’ve always wanted to go to an intensive class, but I’ve never felt it was I could get away for that long.  Up until now, when companions come, it is just for a few hours at a time. I asked my daughter in Raleigh if she was available for those three days and she said, “Sure, I’d love to stay with dad.”  Comfortable that Jerry would be happy with her I signed up and put my money down.  (I had sold a painting to cover the cost.) So, with trepidation, I waited for the first workshop day to begin.  TODAY IS THE DAY.

Now, when I said, “with trepidation” it was because of this.  Shortly after I put down my money, my sweet little girl, told me she had her dates mixed up and would not be able to stay with Jerry.  A little disappointed, I knew I’d have to put something else in place.   With a little nail biting, I began to put volunteers and paid staff in place.   But, yesterday, Jerry came home after just a couple of hours and I knew he was bothered.  He did NOT want to go out again, today.  Oh drat!  What was I going to do?  I could tell Jerry was really bothered and it was not that important for me to attend if he was not going to be happy.  (It was for 3 days from 9a-4p, remember.)

One dear friend, volunteered her husband for the morning.  I considered that.  I rushed to call another friend to see if he could hang with them for the afternoon.  They weren’t there.  Finally, I decided to throw in the towel.  I called the gallery to see if there was any way I could work out a partial refund or something.  The gallery owner was not there.  The gallery had closed.

I was running out of options when, low and behold, the phone rang.  It was yet ANOTHER friend, Rose.  Her husband, Jo, had asked her to call me to see if Jerry was feeling ok.  He noticed him coughing last week, so just wanted to check on him. I told Rose, a fellow artist, about my situation and I could hear Jo in the back ground say, “Let me keep him!”  I nearly fell out of my chair.  Just when I had given up hope, God dropped someone in.  Jo is a pool builder and plans to take Jerry to work with him.  He’ll get to see trackers.  (“Diggers” as my grandsons call them.)  Too cool for school!  Jerry is thrilled to “go to work”.  Way to go, Jo!

So, the car is packed with all my gear.  Hopefully, I can become a famous painter today  AND, who knows, maybe I’ll come home to a pool in the back yard.  NOT!