Remember the trip to the dentist, when we were told we had to go to the oral surgeon to have the tooth removed? Well, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
Jerry passed the test with flying colors. I didn't tell him we were going until we got in the car. If I had, he would have been asking about it nonstop. So, to save myself a little frustration, I briefed him of our new adventure on the drive over.
Once we arrived, I had to fill out papers at the front desk, so Jerry was hovering over me like a helicopter. They called him back and said, "We'll take good care of you. Promise!" Fifteen minutes and $450 later, he came out with the usual stuffed cheek look and we got in the car. Everything went fine.
The rest of the day went great, because the pain medication he was on made him sleepy. (Yeah!) No pain, and lots of sleep. Just how I like it. I got so much art business done.
I've got an art show this Thursday and Friday, so I'm trying to wire and sign and label and price. You know the drill.
As an "add on", I"d like to mention It's the most informative website on caregiving I know. This morning I read a post that was 7 months old.(I'm really on the ball, huh.) It gave me a new burst of energy to fight this thing and not give into it. How I am the only one who knows what Jerry can and cannot do. I am the one who can be his drill sergeant, so to speak. That if I do everything for him, he will forget how to do it. So, starting today I am going to start giving him tasks again. Laundry sounds good. AND, if he's up to it, I think I'll get him to do some Zumba with me.
Wish me luck.