Today, I had a total painting day. I've got some deadlines coming up so I told Jerry I had to "work". If I tell him I am going to paint, he groans, however, if I tell him I'm going to work, he completely understands and tells me to "focus". Yeah, right! Besides, I told him if he'd let me paint today, we'd go to see Robin Hood when I was through. He was good with that. When the sun peaked out this morning, it was Montana's que to get me up. We went for a bike ride and I loved the way the sun was hitting the colorful houses in our neighborhood. So I went back to the house and got my camera to take pictures. When I got back, I worked on the photos so I would have some good shots to paint. Hopefully, the tourist will like them....A LOT!
When Jerry woke up, we had our coffee on the deck and I told him our schedule. Told him that I would "work" for a couple of hours, he could walk the dog, then come back and watch Dr. Oz. He likes Dr. Oz. I'm afraid Dr. Oz took a backseat, however, because once Jerry and Montana returned from their walk , they parked themselves right outside the glass door of my sanctuary. (That's what I call my studio.) There I was...playing flamenco music..painting away, when I turned around and saw them; Jerry and Montana sitting in a rocking chair looking in the room. Obviously, Jerry is much happier if he can see me. It's a security thing, I suppose.
During our lunch break, we snuck over to our neighbor's pool for a swim. Jerry was never much of a swimmer. He swims like a kid who doesn't want to get his face wet. Funny. I tried to have races with him, but he kept getting out of the water after every lap. It was hopeless. But, hey! Exercise is exercise and we both need it.
Jerry's still doing fairly well. He's much more alert and although he is somewhat confused, I'd rather have an alert confused person than a lethargic confused person. Routine, routine, routine. As long as I keep things routine, he does pretty well. (relatively speaking.) I even saw him turn on the TV today. He hasn't worked a remote or a cell phone in years. So, I nearly fell out when I saw him actually push that red on/off button. Wonders never cease!
Robin Hood turned out to be playing too late. Our bedtime is usually about 10 pm. and old Robbie was coming on at 9:20. What was he thinking? Doesn't that theatre man know we go to bed before that? What's up with that! The shoe store is next door to the theatre, so shoes became Jerry's reward. He's been obsessing over wanting new shoes for weeks. (even though he has about 5 pairs of brown slip on shoes already) So there you have it. Another day, another painting, and another pair of brown shoes.
Talk to you soon.