Just wanted to thank all you cyber friends with cyber hugs for all your support and comments. Like I said, this blog is to be an honest journey of a caregiver in hopes to tell the real story and be a ministry to others. Sometimes, when I get all melancholy, I know it's hard to read. I mean...who wants to get depressed or listen to someone else who is depressed? I mean, REALLY! I am not a whiney person and am not particularly fond of whiney people. SO, THAT'S ENOUGH WHINING FOR A WHILE! Today is a new day and I am on the way back UP! I am working through accepting Jerry's new stage. Each stage ignites a new series of the grieving process. Sometimes the road to acceptance is short. Sometimes, it's a little longer. But once acceptance is gained, the happier moments can begin. SO, with that said, we are starting a brand new day, today.
Jerry is walking Montana right now and I will be packaging cards that I've made of our neighborhood. It's tourist season and it's great to have people who want to buy a little memento of their vacation. Jerry and I can deliver them later today. I've also got 4 paintings drying in my car. Did I show the one of the garden? Oils take forever to dry, so I put them in my hot car and park the car in the sun. Works like a charm. Then those paintings need to be delivered to their new owners. Jerry loves to come with me to do that, because he thinks I am SO SUCCESSFUL. Yeah! Right! Don't know any wealthy artists. Do you? Most of them are dead before they are even recognized. Nonetheless, Jerry is such a supporter and thinks I'm the most amazing artist in the world. Each time I deliver a painting he gets a huge grin and that gives us both warm and fuzzy, positive feelings. Isn't that sweet?
We'll get most of our activities done this morning, so I can be relatively prepared for "sundowner" time. A little 5 o'clock nap never hurt anyone.